October 29, 2007




As the camera "pushes" its way through the door of the room, we observe the main character lifting many, many weights. The camera zooms to the alarm clock that has just gone off and show's "Lunch." The camera follows the character as he gets up and flexes in front of the mirror. The camera then turns to watch the character leave the room.


The character is seen grabbing many items out of the refrigerator. Each one is placed on the countertop, and he begins carefully making his sandwich. The last item he has to place are the pickles. He begins his struggle to open the jar.

---Insert Struggle Description---

The kitchen has now been destroyed, and the pickles lie on the dirty floor. The character picks them up, places them on their sandwich, and eats it anyways. Camera zooms out of kitchen slowly.


October 17, 2007

Updated Story

In the beginning, we meet our character. He's lifting weights on the bench in his enormous weight room. Around the room, we see mats, dumbells, weights, excercise balls, and various other equipment. Roy is just finished doing his most amount of reps ever when his clock rings that it's time for lunch.
He jumps off his bench and does some flexing in the mirror to show how strong he is. Then he travels to his kitchen. His kitchen is tall, but narrow. Roy has no problem reaching items from the top shelves. He makes himself a hamburger. He then grabs the pickle jar out of the refrigerator.
He attempts to open the jar, but it's stubborn. After time of struggling and failing to open the far, he tries other various methods such as a wrench, blender, etc. But, to no avail, does the jar open. So, he resorts to using a rocket launcher. He is successful in opening the jar, however that is due to the fact that it exploded. So, now he has no pickles and his kitchen is detroyed.

- Alt. ending: He shrugs it off and picks up a pickle with his fork that is on the floor.

Opinions? And go...